Crucial Survival Podcast

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Steve Marvell

Sometime you need to be humble enough to take the time to listen to someone. This made a difference to me.

My name is Steve Marvel, and this is the crucial survival podcast. Sometimes we need somebody else to tell us what's going on because there's a problem. Sometimes is a bloody good reason. Sometimes there's a medical reason specifically. However, this example does not have a medical reason. So last few videos, my cameras bellary, like a good few videos. I don't watch them back, because I've got to my media guy is a awesome chap. He, he, he does them. So he says, Steve, the blurry are washed out. And there's only today I look and they say, Oh, yeah, it's washed out. And he says, that's all I said. And it's like, Yes, you did. You're absolutely right, you did. And I didn't list. And there's probably a bloody good reason for that. And so I've worked out, then I've worked out what it is, which is nice. But it certainly took somebody doing this for me, telling me, for me to actually record recognize this something was wrong, or just cast my eyes over it. Something that happens in a survival situation, or in fact, just a survival course, is the people get medically fucked up. That could, there's a number of things that go wrong with people. They are in courses and in personal situations, they are dehydrated, they are malnourished, they are fatigued, sleep deprived, stressed, or cold, or hot. But generally speaking, we have cold courses in the UK, it's never really a hot cause. Pretty much all of these conditions affect your brain. And consequently, you get with like you're drunk, you get all mumbly, you get all angry sometimes. Even if he told you get angry about it. And then you get fully over stumbly and then basically falsely fall over and sometimes in a really, really bad way. But the point is these symptoms exist, and you don't recognize them. And in fact you deny them. And that's really, really bad. And it what it does is it requires you to have somebody else tell you what's going on. When I started survival goals. I I said to people, at some point on this course, you won't have done what you're told. And I will tell you what to do. And I need you to do it. So simply find notice that somebody is dehydrated on on a course I will tell them exactly what to do. Because chances are they're all spinning and don't know what's going on. And they're not noticed it in themselves. nobody else's got the plug to go and tell them that they may they need help. And therefore I have to do it. And hopefully they don't have an argument about it. If I've had in like 10 years, I don't think I've had anybody get really angry about it. I've had people be objects them though, but I've never had anybody go really ballistic at it, which is nice, obviously. But it is always the case that things turn out all right. And so in summary, people need help, because they won't recognize things in themselves. And they won't necessarily listen. If you're in a situation where somebody is suffering. There's a good chance that they can't recognize it in themselves. And they need help. And you need to have the balls to tell them and you need to have the balls to support that. If they're going to deny it, because quite often, if they're not recognizing a symptom in themselves, they're going to get RCW about it. So, bigger person, help people that need it. And any comments, any stories, anything else you want me to address? pop it in the comments. See you tomorrow.