Crucial Survival Podcast

Introduction - Isolation and Lockdown Survival

Steve Marvell

Crucial Isolation and Lockdown Survival Guide

During this COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Steve Marvell introduces the Crucial Isolation and Lockdown Survival Guide, a consolidated source of the information, activities, and skills you need to change your mindset, maximise survivability, support family and friends, and have the most productive and enjoyable time possible.


Episode Video

Episode Article

Steve:   0:00
Hi, my name’s Steve Marvell and this is Crucial Survival. Today I’m going to talk about Isolation and Lockdown Survival.

Steve:   0:00
I’m here in my living room because lockdown is occurring all over the world. COVID-19 is causing death, chaos, and heartache. People don’t know what’s going on, people don’t know what the future holds and people don’t know what to do. So we’re going to change that.

Steve:   0:00
Over the last 25 years, I’ve been working in such fields as emergency planning, disaster recovery, business continuity, emergency services, wilderness survival training, preparedness, and the like. With that expertise, and with your help, we can create a survival guide which is ongoing throughout this crisis and make it the most complete and relevant guide possible and consolidate all of that information in one place.

Steve:   0:00
If you’re concerned that things are unplanned, at your end, then don’t worry. If you’ve got just, like, one bag or pasta and one loo roll, but your kids are really really happy, then how does that compare to somebody that can a light fire with pocket lint, but can’t make a cake, or they can’t get in touch with their team online to manage their business.

Steve:   0:00
Everybody’s situation is different, and everybody’s situation can be improved.

Steve:   0:00
From a personal perspective in all survival situations, warmth, comfort, food, water, and like, medicine, health and hygiene, are all important, but here in this domestic lockdown situation, we’ve got things to worry about like working from home, homeschooling, entertainment, exercise, communication between households.

Steve:   0:00
Depression is a big thing. Mental welfare is something we all have to think about. It’s not just people who are on their own, it can happen with within families and between households. Anxiety and boredom and lack of contact can lead to depression which can lead to physical illness and a breakdown of communication in relationships, which is then a circular problem. All of these things need addressing.

Steve:   0:00
I need to help to do this. My experience and training aren’t enough. I need to know what’s going on in your area, in your household, and what sort of information you need from me. And so comment or get in touch directly. If you want more information about something ask for clarification. Giving me a like will get me to realise which type of episodes are becoming more relevant to people. If you want to keep up with a guide, then do subscribe and share the information for people who will benefit from it.

Steve:   0:00
This is the end of the intro. I’ll crack on when the next episode as soon as possible. They’ll come whenever they can. As this situation evolves, then so will content.

Steve:   0:00
In the meantime, keep safe, stay home and save lives.  

Steve:   0:00

Steve:   0:00

Steve:   0:00

Steve:   0:00

Steve:   0:00