Crucial Survival Podcast

10 minute survival is coming

Steve Marvell

Be part of the adventure and get a course for a pound!

Steve Marvell:

Good evening, morning, whatever it is, this is a crucial survival podcast. My name is Steve Marvell, and I'm a survival and rescue specialist. It's been a while since we're doing the podcasting. So, having done 18 months of a video a day, I thought I'd do a bit more podcasting so that you know, what's going on writing the book, still, this long process, it's gotta get got to get it right. But as I've said before, when teaching done is often better than perfect. So did I get out a good version of the book? And then probably do a sort of 1.1 version of the book. Um, so where does that lead? Well, I'm going to start serialising, the book, in video, and on podcast, bits and bobs, and we're doing sort of 10 minute survival sort of quite snappy stuff. And then sort of turning it turning into a course, if you're interested. In course. You can get involved early the first time round, I'm going to do the courses. I'm going to be doing them for like, a pound or something, just just to get some reviews. Yeah, I'm interested in what what people think these are going to be online courses. Again, pretty much serialised in the book because bulk bill is largely written like life course. So if you are interested in basically free course, then get hold of me Steve Marvell two L's. And you can find me from the crucial survival training page on Facebook. If you can't find me, you will find me on the crucial survival website and find my email there. So what else? Well, I moved house, set up a studio, here in the house, got a garden turned on to do some actual demonstrations. have moved Scout groups. So that's very positive. It's much more relaxed. And with the scale to do is quite a few things. And that sort of informs me about what what people find interesting certain in families, and, and the like, I'm going to be posting this on Facebook on the crucial survival training page. So I would really, really like you to comment on that with the sort of things that you like, if you are a family or a scout or child, or even if you if you're an adult, I'm really interested in to what it is that you found in interesting in the outdoors and survival and bushcraft and things like that. So so you can get more of a handle on what's what's good for you. And again, gay get involved, get involved on this journey. And and think about taking a course giving some feedback. And so yeah, sir, can do free more podcasts. Make sure you subscribe. And because I'm going to, I'm literally going to be doing the whole book, in sections in nice little snappy sections on the podcast in adding videos, so subscribe to the podcast, go and find the crucial survival training website. Not website, crucial survival training Facebook page, get on there. And yeah, that's that's where you'll find it. And there's actually a mastermind community to it, but But that's another matter. I'm going to be opening that up for free access at your leisure. But uh, but right now, get in, get on the page. And yeah, what am I going to talk about first probably talk about hypothermia about heatstroke and how how to deal with that. I'm still, my daughter's doing that. illustrations for the boat for despite doing a bit of the first aid not just a normal first aid stuff, it's a sort of first aid when you're on your own in the wilderness, because it's a completely different kettle of fish working on not a lifeboat. It's completely different trying to put even a sling on, in in the wind, whilst you're moving up and down, maybe even in the dark. It's just, it's just an absolute nightmare. And it's actually worth worth practising. So things it's going in the book are the sort of more critical injuries and debilitating injuries. So she's doing the illustrations for those that if you've got ideas about what absolutely should go in, then let me know, I'll be doing a list of those on the podcast. And then there'll be demonstrations in my new garden probably. Or some woods that the scouts use. might even ask the the new scout group, if with some permission, I could do some demonstration with those. But in reality, it's all it's all about being able to cope on your own. So this first aid Lark is going to be all about coping on your own. And how to do that sort of thing. You just try it now. Go and find the Blumen triangular bandage in your first aid kit. And you try and put that on yourself outdoors in the wind in the dark. So you can do it. Practice is a practice skill. It really is, especially if you use your non dominant hand. Yeah, absolute disaster. And so, and you've probably heard me say this before, but go and do a bloody first aid class. Because it's really, really useful. Take your whole family, kids in all do a first aid course because there's been so many incidents of kids saving parents lives. And there are so many things that you can do for yourself and your family. Without having to go to casualty for four hours. Waiting for someone to put a bandage on your sprained ankle. Yeah, it's just really, really, there's some really good rules in there. And this really good debt sort of Red, Red Cross or whatever it might be first day books, and it's really, really, really important that you do that. That's why I'm limiting the amount of first day there is in the book to those debilitating and critical injuries. Like major burns, and major bleeds and, and things like that. Even it's broken arms and sprained ankles, come to a greater extent develop debilitating. So I am going to try and keep these to 10 minutes. We're eight and a half at the moment. I'm going to treat this as a sort of introduction. And yeah, if there's any particular things you want me to talk about when I post this, there'll be a nice little thread. And you can comment on that. And that would be absolutely fabulous. It means it makes a great deal of difference to me to understand what it is that you want. What do you find interesting, what mysteries there are, what questions need answering and what you think everybody else should know about. Okay, I'm getting close to 10 minutes now. So I'll say goodbye, wherever you are, and keep surviving. And I'll speak to you soon.